
Massage in Port Townsend

Do you long to feel peaceful and light in body and mind? To move with greater ease? To regain a sense of calm and well-being?

Massage is a beautiful and simple way to help calm your mind, improve your mood, encourage more restful sleep, and relieve physical aches and pains. Plus, massage feels good. When you feel good you play more, work more efficiently, and take better care of the people you love.

Each person’s circumstances are unique and changing. With compassion, sensitivity, and skilled attention, I tailor each massage session to your current needs.

Unwind therapeutic message Port Townsend

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic treatments designed to encourage a quiet mind and relaxed body

Unwind massage Port Townsend exfoliation


Enjoy softer, more radiant skin with a full-body exfoliation

Unwind enhancements massage Port Townsend


Add mini spa treatments to enhance your massage session